TMJ Stretches






Jaw Self Massage (TMJ Self Massage)

Gently massage the jaw area with your index and middle finger. Feel for sore, tight, hard, lumpy spots and gently rub through these areas. Massage for 2-5 minutes.


Temple Massage (Temporalis Massage)

Gently massage the temple area around your ear with your index and middle finger. Feel for sore, tight, hard, lumpy spots and gently rub through these areas. Massage for 2-5 minutes.




Jaw Opening Stretch (TMJ Opening)

Gently open your mouth as wide as comfortable, hold for 3 seconds and then slowly close it. Perform this in front of a mirror to ensure you are opening your jaw straight down without deviation. Perform 10 stretches, three times per day.


Jaw Deviation Stretch (TMJ Deviation)

Gently open your mouth and move the lower jaw to the left, hold it for 3 seconds and then to the right, hold for 3 seconds, and then back to the start. Perform 10 stretches, three times per day.




Jaw Opening Stretch Assisted (TMJ Opening Assisted)

Gently open your mouth as wide as comfortable and use your fingers to gently enhance the stretch, hold for 3 seconds, then slowly close it. Perform 10 stretches, three times per day.


Jaw Deviation Assisted Stretch (TMJ Deviation)

Once you feel comfortable with stretching without the assistance of your hand you can add this exercise in. Gently open your mouth and move the lower jaw to one side, place your hand on the lower part of your jaw and gently push to enhance the stretch, hold for 3 seconds then relax. Repeat to the other side.Perform 10 stretches, three times per day.


Jaw Retraction Stretch (TMJ Retraction)

Bring the jaw backwards towards your throat creating an over-bite with your top teeth as far as comfortable,hold for 3 seconds and then relax. To assist with this stretch you can gently assist by pushing with your fingers. Perform 10 stretches, three times per day.


Jaw Protrusion Stretch (TMJ Protrusion)

Push your jaw forwards creating an under-bite with your teeth to as far as comfortable, hold for 3 seconds, an then relax. To assist with this stretch you can gently assist by placing your thumb under your chin and assist by pushing forwards. Perform 10 stretches, three times per day.


Temporalis Stretch

Place your thumbs on your jaw, gently open your mouth and push up with your fingers whilst keeping your jaw open, hold for 3 seconds and then relax. Perform 10 stretches, three times per day






Jaw Deviation Resisted Stretch (TMJ Deviation Resisted)

Gently open your mouth and move the lower jaw to one side, place your hand on the lower part of your jaw and gently push your jaw back towards your fingers to enhance the stretch, hold for 3 seconds then relax. Repeat to the other side. Perform 10 stretches, three times per day.


Jaw Opening Resisted Stretch (TMJ Depression Resisted)

Place your fingers under your chin and gently resist your mouth opening, hold for 3 seconds, then rest. Perform 10 stretches, three times per day.


Jaw Opening Resisted Stretch (TMJ Depression Resisted)

Open your mouth and place your fingers on your chin. Gently resist your mouth closing, hold for 3 seconds, then rest. Perform 10 stretches, three times per day.


Jaw Retraction Resisted Stretch (TMJ Retraction Resisted)

Place your thumb under your chin and gently resist bringing your jaw backwards towards your throat, hold for 3 seconds and then relax. Perform 10 stretches, three times per day.


Jaw Protrusion Resisted Stretch (TMJ Protrusion Resisted)

Place your fingers over your chin. Gently resist pushing your jaw forwards (creating an under-bite with your teeth), hold for 3 seconds, then relax. Perform 10 stretches, three times per day.


Other Exercises to consider

 Jaw joint stretch

Press the tip of your tongue onto the roof of your mouth, directly behind, but not touching, your top front teeth. Then, with your tongue still applying gentle pressure, slowly open your mouth as wide as you can, then slowly close it shut. This exercise should not be done if it causes you any pain. Stop at the point where you feel discomfort. Repeat up to 10 times.

This exercise helps stretch the muscles of the jaw and neck.

Smile stretch

Smile the widest smile you can without feeling tightness or pain. While smiling, slowly open your jaw an additional 2 inches. Inhale deeply through your mouth, then exhale while letting go of the smile. Repeat up to 10 times.

This stretch helps eliminate stress in the facial muscles, upper and lower jaw, and neck.

Colgan Osteopath in Kettering Northamptonshire

Colgan Osteopath in Hatfield, Hertfordshire

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