Core Stability, Lumbar & Pelvic Strengthening




Activating the Transversus Abdominis (TA)

The first and most important/difficult step is learning how to find this muscle and activate it (it is preferable that you go through this with your osteopath or someone proficient with this exercise). There are many layers of muscle/tissue that overly this muscle and it is too deep to be obvious. Identifying the correct one to activate requires succinct attention to what you are feeling.

Lie in the relaxation position on your back with your knees up [see picture].

Note: Whilst learning to feel for the Transverse Abdominus Muscle it is best to feel for it with your fingers. Place your fingers about half way between your belly button and hip bone and gently press down so you can feel your belly rise as you take a deep breath in. The TA muscle is a thin layer of muscle below your big ab muscles.

Contract your TA by drawing your lower abdominal wall inward towards the spine (imagine your belly button going towards your back).

Note: Contacting this muscle should be only at 20-30%  of what you would consider a normal contraction (e.g. of your biceps muscle). Care must be taken to avoid contracting the larger overlying abdominal muscles; therefore normal breathing must continue throughout the exercise. Remember to keep your buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles) relaxed.

Initially hold this contraction for 3-5 seconds and progressively increase to 10 seconds when ready. Commence with 10 repetitions 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Activating the Pelvic Floor

The first and most important/difficult step is learning how to find this muscle and activate it (it is preferable that you go through this with your osteopath or someone proficient with this exercise). There are many layers of muscle/tissue that overly this muscle and it is too deep to be obvious. Identifying the correct one to activate requires succinct attention to what you are feeling.


Lie in the relaxation position on your back with your knees up [see picture].

Note: Whilst learning to feel for the Pelvic Floor you can place your fingers deep into the abdomen about half way between your belly button and hip bone. Feel for the rising pelvic floor from your pelvis.

Imagine your pelvis like a clock face and that you are drawing all the numbers slightly inwards whilst lifting the center towards your belly.

Note: Contacting this muscle should be only at 20-30%of what you would consider a normal contraction (e.g. of your biceps muscle). Care must be taken to avoid contracting the larger overlying abdominal muscles; therefore normal breathing must continue throughout the exercise. Remember to keep your buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles) relaxed.

Initially hold this contraction for 3 seconds and progressively increase to 10 seconds when ready. Commence with 10 repetitions 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


The Press Up

Lie on your front with your hands by the side of your head. Tighten your abdominal (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles) and gently lift your upper body and head whilst keeping your hips in contact with the floor, hold for 3 seconds and then slowly drop back down to the start position. Aim to start for holding for 3 seconds and build up to 20-30 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Clam Exercise on Back (Gluteal Strengthening)

Lie on your back with your knees bent together and ankles together. Activate your core and pelvic floor then slowly separate one knee slightly away from the other approximately 10cm hold a contraction for 5 seconds then return it back together with the other knee. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions. Perform on both sides.


Clam Exercise (Gluteal Strengthening)

Note: Commence this exercise once you feel comfortable with the clam exercise on your back.
Lie on your side with your knees bent (ankles together). Place your top hand on your buttock (gluteal) area (as shown). Activate your core and pelvic floor then slowly bring your top leg up (knees coming away from each other) and feel for activation of your gluteal muscles. Hold a contraction for 3-5 seconds and then slowly drop your knee down. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Leg Lift Exercise (Pelvic, Gluteal, and Low Back Strengthening)

Note: Commence this exercise once you feel comfortable with the clam exercise.
Lie on your side with your legs straight (ankles together). Activate your core and pelvic floor then slowly bring your top leg up and hold a contraction for 5 seconds (start with 5 seconds and build to 15 seconds) and then slowly drop your knee down. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Leg Lift and Scrape Exercise (Pelvic, Gluteal, and Low Back Strengthening)

Note: Commence this exercise once you feel comfortable with the leg lift exercise.
Lie on your side with your legs straight (ankles together). Activate your core and pelvic floor then slowly rotate your top leg outwards, bend your top knee whilst you drag your toes along the inner aspect of the bottom leg as high as comfortable, hold a contraction for 5 seconds (start with 5 seconds and build to 15 seconds) and then slowly drag your toes back down to the start position. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Functional Core activation – Table Top Exercise

Note: Progress to this exercise once you feel comfortable with performing the TA and Pelvic Floor Exercise.
Lie in the relaxation position on your back with your knees up [see picture].
Tighten your abdominal (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles). Gently lift 1 leg off the floor out and hold in line with your knee (like you are placing it on an imaginary coffee table) and hold for 5 seconds then return it back to the floor. Progress from 5 seconds up to 30 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions. Repeat with opposite leg.


Functional Core activation – Heel Scrape Exercise

Note: Progress to this exercise once you feel comfortable with performing the TA and Pelvic Floor Exercise.
Lie in the relaxation position on your back with your legs straight. Tighten your abdominal (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles) and gently lift 1 leg off the floor out, bend your knee, gently scrape your heel towards your buttock, and then return it back to the start position. Repeat with opposite side. Progress from 5 heel scrapes to 15 heel scrapes 3 times per day.


Seated Core and Pelvic Activation

Note: Progress to this exercise once you feel comfortable with performing the TA and Pelvic Floor Exercise lying down.
Whilst Seated simply tighten your abdominal (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles), hold for 5 seconds, then rest. Progress from 5 seconds up to 30 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.



Progress through each exercise in order

Four Point Kneel

Start on all fours on the floor with your back aligned in good posture. Gently contract your core muscles, hold for 3 seconds, and then rest. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, three times per day.


Four Point Kneel Weight Shift

 Start on all fours on the floor with your back aligned in good posture. Gently contract your core muscles and progress through lifting one hand, then the other, then one knee, then the other. Rest and repeat 5-10 times through this progression. Perform 3 times per day.


Three Point Kneel

 Start on all fours on the floor with your back aligned in good posture. Gently contract your core muscles, lift one hand off the floor approx. 2cm, hold for 3 seconds, and then place your hand back down and rest. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, three times per day.


Three Point Kneel

Start on all fours on the floor with your back aligned in good posture. Gently contract your core muscles, lift one hand and the opposite leg off the floor approx. 2cm, hold for 3 seconds, and then place your hand  and knee back down and rest. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, three times per day.




The Bridge

 Lie on your back with your hands by your side, your knees bent and feet flat on the floor (feet under knees).

Tighten your abdominal (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles).

Lift your hips up and create a straight line from your knees to shoulders (Do not arch your back too much).

You may lose some core activation during the lift so activate your core again (try to pull your belly button back toward your spine).

Remember to breathe through the exercise.

Hold for 3 seconds and then slowly lower yourself down.

Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day.

Aim to increase holding the position for up to 10-15 seconds.


Functional Core activation – Legs Lift Exercise

Lie in the relaxation position on your back with your legs straight. Tighten your abdominal (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles) and gently lift 1 leg off the floor straight out 45 degrees and then bend your opposite knee 90 degrees, hold for 5 seconds then return both legs back to the floor. Progress from 5 seconds up to 30 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions. Repeat with opposite leg.





All Fours Arm Lift


Whilst positioned on all fours gently tighten your abdominal (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles) and lift 1 arm off the floor out in front of your head, hold for 3 seconds then return it back to the floor. Repeat with opposite arm. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


All Fours Leg Lift

Whilst positioned on all fours gently tighten your abdominal (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles) and lift 1 leg off the floor straight in line with your back and hold for 3 seconds then return it back to the floor. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


All Fours Leg Lift

Whilst positioned on all fours gently tighten your abdominal (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles) and lift 1 leg off the floor straight in line with your back and lift the opposite arm off the floor out in front of your head, hold for 3 seconds then return it back to the floor. Repeat with opposite leg and arm. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.




Progress through each exercise in order


Floor Superman One Arm


Lie on your front (you may have a towel under your forehead for extra support). Tighten your abdominal (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles). Gently  lift your head and arm straight in front of you. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return it back to the floor. Repeat with opposite arm. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Floor Superman One Leg

Lie on your front and gently lift your head and one straight leg off the floor. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return it back to the floor. Repeat with opposite leg. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Floor Superman One Arm and One Leg (Opposite)

Lie on your front, lift your head and lift your arm straight in front of you and lift your opposite leg. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return them back to the floor. Repeat with opposite leg and arm. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Floor Superman One Arm and One leg (Same Side)

Lie on your front, lift your head and one arm straight in front of you and lift the leg on the same side as your arm. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return them back to the floor. Repeat with opposite leg and arm. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Floor Superman Two Arms

Lie on your front, lift your head and lift your arms straight in front of you. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return them back to the floor. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Floor Superman Two Legs and Head


Lie on your front with your arms by your side and gently lift your head and both legs at the same time. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return them back to the floor. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Floor Superman Two Legs and One Arm


Lie on your front and lift your head and legs and one arm in front of you.You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return them back to the floor. Repeat with opposite arm. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Floor Superman Two Legs and Two Arms


Lie on your front and lift your head and legs and both arms in front of you.You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return them back to the floor. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.




Full Squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Activate your core and buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles). Slowly lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor (ensure that your knee cap is in line with your middle toes), hold for 3 seconds and slowly stand back up to the start position. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, three times per day.


The Lunge

Stand with one foot forward and the other foot back. Tighten your abdominal (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles). Bend both knees and lower your body down keeping your body upright and arms up in the air (there are variations e.g. hands by your side and you can even add weights into this exercise). Hold for 3 seconds and  slowly stand back up to the start position. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, three times per day.


Abdominal Muscle Twisting Strengthening (Oblique Strengthening)

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent with a ball in your hands at tummy level (this can be any ball or a medicine ball). Activate your core and pelvic floor and gently twist in one direction slowly, hold for 3 seconds, and then twist through the other direction. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.





Progress through these dynamic core exercises

Wall Walking Core Stability (Pelvic, Gluteal, and Low Back Strengthening)

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the wall. Contract your core, pelvic floor, and buttock muscles and slowly walk your feet up the wall in 1 cm steps as high as possible and then slowly walk them back down. Commence with 3 sets of 10 walks up and down 3 times per day.


Leg Raise Exercise (Pelvic, Gluteal, and Low Back Strengthening)

Lie on your back with your legs straight together (ankles together). Contract your Core, Pelvic Floor, and buttock muscles and slowly bring both legs up so your hips are at 90 degrees to your body and hold a contraction for 5 seconds (start with 5 seconds and build to 15 seconds) and then slowly drop your legs down. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Leg Raise and Rotation Exercise (Pelvic, Gluteal, and Low Back Strengthening)

Lie on your back with your legs straight together (ankles together). Contract your Core, Pelvic Floor, and buttock muscles and slowly bend your knees and hips up to 90 degrees and gently swing your knees left and right in line with your shoulders and then slowly drop your legs down. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Leg Raise and Hip Internal Rotation Exercise (Pelvic, Gluteal, and Low Back Strengthening)

Lie on your back with your legs straight together (ankles together). Contract your core, pelvic floor, and buttock muscles and slowly bend your knees and hips up to 90 degrees and gently swing your ankles apart as far as comfortable hold for 5 secods and then slowly return to the start position. Start by holding for 5 seconds and progress to 20 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Core Stability Cycling Exercise (Pelvic, Gluteal, and Low Back Strengthening)

Lie on your back with your legs straight together (ankles together). Contract your core, pelvic floor, and buttock muscles and slowly bend both your knees and hips up to 90 degrees and gently perform a cycling motion with your legs for 5 seconds and then slowly drop your legs down. Commence for 5 seconds and progress to 20 seconds with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Core Stability Scissor Exercise (Pelvic, Gluteal, and Low Back Strengthening)

Lie on your back with your legs straight together (ankles together). Contract your core, pelvic floor, and buttock muscles and lift both legs slightly off the floor then one leg up 90 degrees and slowwly lower it down (without touching the floor) and then reapeat through the other (in a scissor motion) for 5 seconds and then slowly drop your legs down. Commence for 5 seconds and progress to 20 seconds with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Leg Side Lift Exercise (Pelvic, Gluteal, and Low Back Strengthening)

Lie on your side with your legs straight (ankles together). Contract your Core, Pelvic Floor, and buttock muscles and slowly bring both legs up  sideways and hold a contraction for 5 seconds (start with 5 seconds and build to 15 seconds) and then slowly drop your legs down. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions. Perform on both sides.





Progress through each exercise in order

The Plank Kneeling

Lie on the floor supported by your knees and elbows tighten your core, pelvic floor, and buttock muscles and hold for 3 to 5 seconds and build up to 20-30 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


The Plank Exercise

Lie on your front on your elbows and toes tighten your core, pelvic floor, and buttock  muscles and hold for 3 to 5 seconds and build up to 20-30 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


The Plank on 1 Leg Exercise

Lie on your front on your elbows and toes. Lift one leg and tighten your core, pelvic floor, and buttock muscles and hold for 3 to 5 seconds and build up to 20-30 seconds. Repeat with your opposite leg. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


The Plank on 1 Arm Exercise

Lie on your front with your hands and toes. Lift one elbow and tighten your core, pelvic floor, and buttock muscles and hold for 3 to 5 seconds and build up to 20-30 seconds. Repeat with your opposite leg. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


The Side Plank (Supported)

Lie on your side with your elbow on the floor under your shoulder. Contract your abdominal muscles (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles). Lift your body off the floor from up unto your elbow keeping your knee on the floor and stablise and hold for 5 seconds then slowly return back to the start position. Aim to start for holding for 5 seconds and build up to 20-30 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions on each side of the body 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


The Side Plank

Lie on your side with your elbow on the floor under your shoulder. Contract your abdominal muscles (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles). Lift your body off the floor using your elbow to stablise and hold for 5 seconds then slowly return back to the start position. Aim to start for holding for 5 seconds and build up to 20-30 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions on each side of the body 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Advanced Side Plank

Lie on your side with your elbow on the floor under your shoulder. Contract your abdominal muscles (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles).
Lift your body off the floor using your elbow to stablise, then lift your top arm up followed by your bottom leg and hold for 5 seconds then slowly return back to the start position. Aim to start for holding for 5 seconds and build up to 20-30 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions on each side of the body 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Reverse Plank

Whilst on your back lift yourself into a position where your elbows supporting your upper torso and your body is in a straight line off the floor down to your heels. Contract your abdominal muscles (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles) and hold for 5 seconds then slowly return back to the start position. Aim to start for holding for 5 seconds and build up to 20-30 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions on each side of the body 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.





Progress through each exercise in order

Sit Ups

Lie on your back with your arms across your chest and your knees bent and the balls of your feet placed on the ground. Tighten your core, pelvic floor and buttock muscles and slowly lift your neck and head followed by your upper back/shoulders up to the line of your knees, hold for 3 seconds and then return to the start position. Repeat with opposite side. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 30 repetitions.

Note: This exercise can be enhanced/progressed by holding a weight to your chest


Floor Sit Ups (Feet on Table)

Lie on your back with your elbows bent and fingertips at your ears, your knees bent and your heels resting on a coffee table. Tighten your core, pelvic floor and buttock muscles and slowly lift your neck and head followed by your upper back/shoulders up to the line of your knees, hold for 3 seconds and then return to the start position. Repeat with opposite side. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 30 repetitions.


Oblique Sit Up (Hand reach)

Lie on your back with your arms by your side and your knees bent and the balls of your feet placed on the ground. Tighten your core, pelvic floor and buttock muscles  and slowly lift your neck and head followed by your upper back/shoulders up and twist whilst reaching both hands across to one side of your knees, hold for 3 seconds and then return to the start position. Repeat with opposite side. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 30 repetitions.


Oblique Sit Up (Hands Behind Head)

Lie on your back with your arms across your chest and your knees bent and the balls of your feet placed on the ground. Tighten your core, pelvic floor and buttock muscles  and slowly lift your neck and head followed by your upper back/shoulders up and twist so that your elbow meets your opposite knee, hold for 3 seconds and then return to the start position. Repeat with opposite side. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 30 repetitions.

Note: This exercise can be enhanced/progressed by holding a weight to your chest


Oblique and Side Bend Sit Ups


Lie on your back with your knees bent and resting to 1 side. Tighten your core, pelvic floor and buttock muscles  and slowly lift your neck and head followed by your upper back/shoulders up, twist and reach towards your feet on 1 side whilst gently twisting your knees further away, hold for 3 seconds and then return to the start position. Repeat with opposite side. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 30 repetitions.


Sit Ups with One Leg Up

Lie on your back with your arms across your chest and your knees bent and the balls of your feet placed on the ground. Tighten your core, pelvic floor and buttock muscles, lift one leg straight up 45 degrees, and slowly lift your neck and head followed by your upper back/shoulders up to the line of your knees, hold for 3 seconds and then return to the start position. Repeat with opposite side. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 30 repetitions.


Core Activation with Low Back (Lumbar) Rotation with Legs Up (Flexion)

Lie on your back, activate your core and pelvic floor. Gently lift your feet with your knees and hips bent to 90 degrees and gently rock your knees side to side.





Progress through each exercise in order


The Bridge


Lie on your back with your hands by your side, your knees bent and feet flat on the floor (feet under knees).

Tighten your abdominal (TA & Pelvic Floor) and then buttock muscles (Gluteal Muscles).

Lift your hips up and create a straight line from your knees to shoulders (Do not arch your back too much).

You may lose some core activation during the lift so activate your core again (try to pull your belly button back toward your spine).

Remember to breathe through the exercise.

Aim to start for holding for 5 seconds and build up to 20-30 seconds.

Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


The Bridge – Arms Crossed

Perform The Bridge with your arms crossed.


The Bridge – One Leg Raised

Perform The Bridge with your arms by your side and with one leg straight up at 45 degrees.


The Bridge – Arms Crossed and One Leg Raised


Perform The Bridge with your arms crossed and with one leg straight up at 45 degrees.


The Bridge – Arms by Side and One Leg Raised with Bent Knee


Perform The Bridge with your arms by your side and with one leg up and bent to 90 degrees.





Progress through the exercises in order

Foam Roller Core Stabilisation One Leg Up

Lie on the foam roller with your hands supporting you by your side. Activate your core and pelvic floor then raise 1 leg and hold for 10 seconds and then place it back down and do the same with the opposite leg. Progress to holding for 30 seconds. Perform 3 times per day.


Foam Roller Core Stabilisation One Leg and One Arm Up

Lie on the foam roller with your hands supporting you by your side. Activate your core and pelvic floor then raise 1 leg and the opposite arm hold for 10 seconds and then place it back down and do the same with the opposite leg and arm. Progress to holding for 30 seconds. Perform 3 times per day


Foam Roller Core Stabilisation One Leg Up and Two Arm Up

Lie on the foam roller with your hands supporting you by your side. Activate your core and pelvic floor then raise 1 leg and both arms up hold for 10 seconds and then place it back down and do the same with the opposite leg and arm. Progress to holding for 30 seconds. Perform 3 times per day.


Foam Roller Core Stabilisation Both Legs Up

Lie on the foam roller with your hands supporting you by your side. Activate your core and pelvic floor then raise both legs bending 90 degrees at your hip and knees and hold for 10 seconds and then place it back down and do the same with the opposite leg and arm. Progress to holding for 30 seconds.Perform 3 times per day.


Foam Roller Core Stabilisation Arm and Leg Circles

Lie on the foam roller with your hands supporting you by your side. Activate your core and pelvic floor then raise one leg bending your knee and hip to 90 degrees and 1 arm up and hold for 10 seconds whilst gently rotating bot your foot and hand in a clockwise/anti-clockwise direction and then place it back down and do the same with the opposite leg and arm. Progress to holding for 30 seconds. Perform 3 times per day.


Sit Ups Foam Roller

Lie on your back with the foam roller across your mid back with your hands to your ears. Tighten your core, pelvic floor and buttock muscles and slowly lift your neck and head followed by your upper back/shoulders up to the line of your knees, hold for 3 seconds and then return to the start position. Repeat with opposite side. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 30 repetitions.






Fit Ball Plank Legs

Rest your legs over the fit ball whilst supporting your upper body with your hands in the push up position and hold this position whilst activating your core, pelvic floor, and buttock muscles, hold for 10 seconds then relax (The further you bring the ball back the harder this exercise becomes). Perform 10 repetitions 3 times per day.


Fit Ball Plank Arms

Rest your elbows over the fit ball whilst supporting lower body with your toes in the push up position and hold this position whilst activating your core, pelvic floor, and buttock muscles, hold for 10 seconds then relax. Perform 10 repetitions 3 times per day.

Fit Ball Plank and One Leg Raise

Rest your legs over the fit ball whilst supporting your upper body with your hands in the push up position and hold this position whilst activating your core then raise one leg, hold for 10 seconds then relax (The further you bring the ball back the harder this exercise becomes). Perform 10 repetitions 3 times per day.


Fit Ball Sit Ups (Back on Floor)

Lie on the floor with your feet up on the fit ball. Tighten your core, pelvic floor and buttock muscles and slowly lift your neck and head followed by your upper back/shoulders up to the line of your knees, hold for 3 seconds and then return to the start position. Repeat with opposite side. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 30 repetitions.


Fit Ball Sit Ups (Back on Ball)

Lie on your back on a fit ball stabilised by your feet on the floor. Tighten your core, pelvic floor and buttock muscles and slowly lift your neck and head followed by your upper back/shoulders up, hold for 3 seconds and then return to the start position. Repeat with opposite side. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 30 repetitions.


Fit Ball Lower and Upper Back Rotation Stretch

Lie on the fit ball with your knees bent feet on the floor and your arms stretched straight in front of you. Activate your core and gently rotate your torso by bring your arms to one side, hold for 3 seconds, and rotate through to the other side and hold for 3 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 30 repetitions.


Fit Ball Bridge

Lie on your back with your legs resting on the fit ball with your arms by your side. Tighten your core and pelvic floor,lift your hips up and create a straight line from your knees to shoulders (do not arch your back too much). Remember to breathe through the exercise. Aim to start for holding for 5 seconds and build up to 20 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Fit Ball Bridge Leg Raise

Lie on your back with your legs resting on the fit ball with your arms by your side. Tighten your core and pelvic floor,lift your hips up and create a straight line from your knees to shoulders (do not arch your back too much). Remember to breathe through the exercise then raise one leg up 45 degrees and hold. Aim to start for holding for 5 seconds and build up to 20 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Fit Ball Bridge Bent Knees


Lie on your back with your legs resting on the fit ball with your arms by your side. Tighten your core and pelvic floor,lift your hips up and create a straight line from your knees to shoulders (do not arch your back too much). Remember to breathe through the exercise then raise one leg up 45 degrees and hold. Aim to start for holding for 5 seconds and build up to 20 seconds. Commence with 10 repetitions 2 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Fit Ball All Fours Squats

Start in the push up position with your legs resting oin the fit ball. Tighten your core and pelvic floor muscles and slowly bring your knees up to your chest, hold for 3 seconds and then return to the start position. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.





Progress through each exercise in order

Fit Ball Superman One Arm

Lie face down on the fit ball with your feet and hands touching the floor. Gently lift your head and arm straight in front of you. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return to the start position. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions.


Fit Ball Superman One Leg

Lie face down on the fit ball with your feet and hands touching the floor. Gently lift your head and one leg off the floor. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return to the start position. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions


Fit Ball Superman One Arm and One Leg (Opposite)


Lie face down on the fit ball with your feet and hands touching the floor. Gently lift your head, one arm, and your opposite leg. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return to the start position. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions


Fit Ball Superman One Arm and One Leg (Same Side)

Lie face down on the fit ball with your feet and hands touching the floor. Gently lift your head, one arm, and the leg on the same side. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return to the start position. Commence with 10 repetitions (each side) 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions


Fit Ball Superman Two Arms

Lie face down on the fit ball with your feet and hands touching the floor. Gently lift your head and both arms straight in front of you. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return to the start position. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions


Fit Ball Superman Two Legs

Lie face down on the fit ball with your feet and hands touching the floor. Gently lift your head and both legs off the floor. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return to the start position. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions


Fit Ball Superman Two Legs and Two Arms

Lie face down on the fit ball with your feet and hands touching the floor. Gently lift your head, both arms, and both legs off the floor. You should feel the muscles in your low back contract which should also create a slight arch in your low back. Hold for 3 seconds then return to the start position. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions






Side-Bending (Resistance Band)

Secure the band under your foot and in the hand on the same side (arm by your side). Gently side-bend away feeling resistance on the band side of your body, hold for 3 seconds and then return back to the starting position. Commence with 10 repetitions 3 times per day and progress to 20 repetitions

Colgan Osteopath in Kettering Northamptonshire

Colgan Osteopath in Hatfield, Hertfordshire

To book an appointment, call 07738493974  or  book online