Exercises for Sacro Iliac Joint


Bring your knee to your chest.
Hold your knee tightly to your chest with both arms and then push your knee out against the resistance of your arms.
Repeat the exercise on both sides several times.


Lie flat on your back (with a pillow or folded towel under your head if you wish).
Pull the knee of the side to be corrected towards your chest as far as is comfortable.
Hold it there and gently push back into your hands (as is if trying to lower your leg back down).
Resist this gentle pressure for 10 seconds, relax and stop pushing whilst still holding your knee up, then pull your knee in towards your chest a little further.
Repeat the pushing into your hands for 10 seconds, relaxing and pull up one last time.
Then gently lower your leg back to the floor.


Put your foot on the chair.
Hold your knee tightly against your chest with both arms. Then push your knee out against your arms.
Do both sides alternately-several times on each side.


Put your foot on an elevated surface.
Hold your knee tightly against your chest with both arms and then push it out against the resistance of the arms.
Repeat the exercise several times on each side, alternating sides.


5.1 Two  arms down

Put one foot up onto a chair or stool and reach the arm down towards that same foot.
Hold the positions for a few moments and bring the arm back to the starting position.
Repeat the exercise.


Bring one knee up along the side of your chest, put your elbow on your knee and grasp your leg.
Hold the position for a few moments and bring the leg back to the center.
Repeat the exercise.


Put one foot up onto the chair and bring the shoulder on that side forward-just ahead of that knee.
Hold the position for a few moments and return to the center.
Repeat the exercise.


Stand in front of a table or a similar object. Put one foot on top of the table, grab the knee with your hands, then pull it toward you to the point where you feel a stretch.Try to keep your back flat when your foot is on the table.Hold and repeat as prescribed.

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