Stroke rehabilitation

Osteopathy Treatment after Stroke. Home Visits.

If you or your relative have recently had a stroke then your chances of recovery will be greater if you start rehabilitation as soon as possible after returning back home from the hospital. It is likely that your movement will be affected and you will experience a number of symptoms such as weakness, numbness or paralysis in your limbs or face, sometimes maybe with the sensation of pins and needles, or cold and hot spells. The affected side may feel different, with the limbs feeling heavy and occasionally painful and you might be having difficulties with posture and balance.

Rehabilitation is an important part on the way to your recovery and it will help you learn how to use both sides of your body equally again and gain back as much muscle strength and range of movement as possible. I can help you regain your mobility and independence, through different techniques exercise, manipulation, massage and skills training.  After an initial assessment, I will work with you to create a unique programme tailored to your current abilities and your goals, in order to deliver the most effective treatment and help you to gain as much autonomy as possible and also advise your family or your carer on how to help you with mobility on a daily basis.

I will visit you at home, so you don’t have to travel with reduced mobility & can receive your stroke treatment in a familiar environment to help a speedy and effective recovery.

Colgan Osteopath in Kettering Northamptonshire

Colgan Osteopath in Hatfield, Hertfordshire

To book your home visit please call 07738493974  or  book online